SBA Covid-19 Update 7/14/21

***EFFECTIVE 7/14/21

  • Please DO NOT ARRIVE MORE than 15 MIN prior to your scheduled start time to help avoid crowding and too many people passing through at the same time, per SportZone restrictions.
  • Take temperatures before arriving at SBA / SportZone.  If it is 100.4 or higher, please stay home.
  • Masks are not required but are suggested for those who are unvaccinated.
  • Spectators please sit in family pods and physically distance as much as possible for events.

We thank you for your cooperation as we hope to continue to keep the kids active by doing our part to promote a safe and healthy environment.

SBA Covid-19 Update 2/15/21

***EFFECTIVE 2/12/21 — SHCO Emergency Health Order on 2/10/21

We are encouraged by current trends and the decrease in Covid cases.  But, SBA, SportZone, and SHCO Health ask everyone to pleases follow all guidelines put in place to ensure we continue the current trend.

–Parents and/or non-participants are asked to remain in vehicles, if at all possible. 

–If you are a designated Catcher for a pitching session, you ARE cleared to be on the turf.  Otherwise, no parents or non-participants are allowed on the turf.  No exceptions, per SportZone facility and Shawnee Co Health Dept.

–Participants please do not enter the arena more than 10 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.

–Participants leave immediately after your training session ends. This is important to help prevent overlap and congestion inside the arena.

–Everyone Kindergarten and older will be required to wear a Face Mask while INSIDE the SportZone arena. Masks should be on before entering the facility!

–If you cannot or will not wear a mask, for the safety of everyone, we ask that you DO NOT ENTER the arena.

–SBA athletes and coaches will discuss the removal/managing of masks and social distancing, etc prior to the start of the training.  

–Mass gatherings no greater than 10 unless they are separated by 6 feet or more.

–SBA staff shall be on the premises through the duration of training hours.

–Adhere to social distancing, people to remain 6 feet apart.

–SBA Equipment and Training Stations are spaced 6 feet apart. Equipment cleaned and disinfected regularly.

–Take temperature before arriving at the arena.  If you are sick or your temperature is 100.4 or higher, please do not come to the arena.

–Hand Sanitizer dispensers will be located throughout the arena for public use.

*Please refer to SHCO  Resolution 2020-44 for exceptions, clarifications, or additional info regarding FACE MASKS.

We thank you for your cooperation as we hope to continue to keep the kids active by doing our part to promote a safe and healthy environment.