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  • Coach Smith
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    Forum Rules

    Please follow our forum rules, listed below.  These basic rules will help keep the forums neat, clean, fun, and informational.  Penalties for violating the rules are at the moderation team’s discretion and can include warnings, deletion of objectionable content, temporary bans, or permanent bans.

    1. Don’t post offensive content.
      Material that is deemed obscene or offensive is not permitted. The use of profanity is not allowed. Please use common sense; many youth baseball parents, coaches, and players share this site.
    2. Don’t make personal attacks – No Flaming.
      Flaming is considered anything that is said to insult another member. All members are to be treated fairly. Calling someone “stupid” or “idiot” qualifies as a personal attack. You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But remember tocriticize ideas, not people. Any material that constitutes defamation, harassment or abuse is strictly prohibited. Zero tolerance.
    3. Don’t post ads.
      Advertising of any product or service, including links to your personal or commercial website(s), blog(s), social media page(s), baseball fundraisers or charities, is not permitted. And don’t sign your posts—every post has your profile information attached to it.
    4. Don’t violate copyrights.
      Posting copyrighted material is not permitted. Do not steal other people’s works and post them on this forum as your own. If you find something cool that you’d like to share, please provide a link to that site. If you are using information from another site, please credit them in the post. Stealing information and calling it your own will not be tolerated. No plagiarism allowed.
    5. Don’t start a topic in the wrong category.
      If you’re not sure where to start a topic, post it in the General category. Also, before creating a new topic/thread, take a look around and see if a similar topic already exists. It only takes a moment, and you can use the search function, too. If we find that you are constantly posting replies in the wrong forum, you will receive a warning. Please keep things on-topic when posting. Do NOT hijack someone’s thread as your own idea.
    6. Don’t be a troll.
      Accounts created for the purpose of being intentionally disruptive will be banned.

    As a member of this community, it is understood that you have read, understood, and have agreed to follow the rules listed above. Please remember that these rules are put in place to help keep the Smith Baseball Academy discussion forums fun and informational for you.  Again, penalties for violating the rules are at the moderation team’s discretion and can include warnings, deletion of objectionable content, temporary bans, or permanent bans.

    By using these forums you agree to the terms of serviceprivacy policy and disclaimer.


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