In the case of inclement weather or bad driving conditions, please check our website Homepage to check status of Lessons, Training, Clinics and the Facility.

**Status is updated everyday at 4:00 p.m. on our homepage.


Smith Baseball Academy Indoor Facility
4601 SE Adams St.
Topeka, KS 66609


ALL SCHEDULING for trainings, lessons, clinics, and camps are executed through our website via our Online Scheduling System powered by Upper Hand.  Due to daytime unavailability and evening coaching commitments, we do not have the means to schedule over the phone. Through the Upper Hand Software and Free Mobile App (Upper Hand Sports in the App Store), you can easily sign up and pay for private lessons with all of our different instructors and disciplines.  The software/mobile app is extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate!


If you need to cancel and reschedule lessons, you can log into your Upper Hand scheduling account and DO THIS YOURSELF!  8-hour cancellation policy in effect.  (if within 8-hours, you can send us an email. Make-up offer NOT guaranteed!) 

Cancellation & Scheduling Policy:

  • Sessions are 100% non-transferable and non-refundable.
  • Sessions must be scheduled a minimum 4 hours in advance. 
  • If you need to cancel/change a scheduled session, please cancel/change it yourself thru your Upper Hand account. It’s easy!
  • Cancellations/changes to sessions must be done a minimum of 8 hours in advance.  Otherwise lesson will not be made up.
  • No Call, No Sows will not be made up.


Our group clinics will be offered throughout the year.  We will post these opportunities on the website under the Group Clinics section.  Check frequently for updates and new clinics.  We offer these clinics on a first-come, first-serve basis. Space is limited–so HURRY and register!  Don’t worry, if you don’t register in time, there will be more clinics offered in the near future.







SBA does NOT offer refunds for missed or “late” cancellations to our Group Clinics AND SBA does NOT offer make-ups for missed clinics.  Our clinics have limited space and they fill FAST!   If a cancellation is received at least 96 hours (4 days) prior to the day of the scheduled clinic, SBA will offer a Full Credit toward another clinic or private lessons, otherwise, this policy will remain in effect.  *NO REFUND for a missed clinic and NO MAKE-UP for a missed clinic.




SBA accepts check, cash or Credit Card for payments for services.  We accept American Express, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover through our Online Scheduling and Payment System powered by UpperHand.  *Checks payable to Smith Baseball Academy.






Our instructors may offer video analysis and other training technologies to students at the instructor’s discretion – only when the instructor thinks it will benefit the student and/or benefit their evaluation of a student.  We do not video record students to charge more for our services.  We are trying to keep unnecessary costs down and keep our services affordable.  Video and data analytics can be invaluable tools, “showing” the student his or her mechanical strengths and weaknesses —-> instant feedback.  


We HIGHLY RECOMMEND joining this email list!

In the case of last-minute cancellations or OPEN lesson slots, we announce Short-Call Lessons every week or so. We typically send out an email announcement a few days prior, letting folks know about these available lesson slot openings.  To take advantage of these pop-up openings, you need to be on our SBA Email List!.  You can join our Email list from the Home Menu tab above or by clicking here:   E-mail Sign Up (Short-Call List)